Thursday, October 9, 2008

ADULT.'s "Decampment" Trailer

Is anyone more familiar with these musicians or artists than I am? Looks to be one of the truly unique horror movie experiences ("midwestern horror" at that) you'll find in New York this fall. The film screens at Anthology Film Archives on October 16th at 9 and 11 PM.

DECAMPMENT from ADULT. on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

Wow. I love the shot where you see the woman's purse hanging on a tree limb as she walks away with an ax. I would watch this.

What is this ADULT.? Are they musicians?

James Hansen said...

Apaprently they are the band, yeah. They are performing the soundtrack to the film live at every screening. I'll probably try and go see it to give a full report. The film is only 40 minutes, I think. Very strange...

Brandon Colvin said...

I really like ADULT. I've been listening to them for a few years. They are kind of nuts.

This thing looks awesome.

w. said...

i saw them at a vhs or beta concert my freshman year in college. i thought they would burn out with the rest of the electroclash scene. guess not.