Thursday, February 7, 2008

Out 1 "Oscar Snub Poll, Director Style" Results

We've hit a bit of a stand still here at Out 1, waiting for official word on the Oscars (be sure to come here for live blogging assuming the event happens!) and with a slow winter movie season, reviews will trickle in a little slower so we hope to come up with some new features to keep everyone happy! That said, our most recent poll has ended in voting for the best English language director to never win an Oscar. It was a really close vote between the top two vote getters. Thanks to all for voting and please keep checking back with us! We promise to get on a roll with posts as soon as we can!

David Lynch
12 (28%)
Spike Lee
2 (4%)
Nicolas Roeg
4 (9%)
Douglas Sirk
1 (2%)
Gus Van Sant
1 (2%)
John Cassavetes
1 (2%)
Paul Thomas Anderson
2 (4%)
Terrence Malick
11 (26%)
3 (7%)
I hate the Oscars and I hate you
5 (11%)


Brandon Colvin said...

Typo in the title. It should be "snub" instead of "snob."

James said...

Thanks yo.