Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Out 1 Updates

Alright everyone...after a bit of playing around (and with some major help from my girlfriend Laura who knows HTML) we have officially updated the site. I am pretty much assuming everyone would understand the changes, but just to make you aware of's a post.

With some of our longer posts, our home page seems frequently clogged to me and it is more difficult to track down to find other reviews or articles, assuming that every once in a while we write something that not everyone wants to read. To fix that problem, each of our articles/reviews will appear with their first paragraph. You can then choose to read more (by clicking on the read more option...tough stuff) or scan down to the next thing which is now easier to find and the home page won't take nearly as long to load! Hoorah!

With that inane commentary aside, just want to let you all know that we are working hard to make Out 1 the best site possible, and hope that this is a step in the right direction. We appreciate any and all (constructive) feedback on the site. Thanks for visiting and keep telling your friends!

-James Hansen

Thanks again!

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