Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"Hearts and Minds" Re-Release Trailer

Hearts and Minds, Peter Davis's Oscar wining documentary which explores the various atrocities of the Vietnam War, is being rereleased. The new trailer can be found here. With a new restoration, Hearts and Minds will be well worth (re)visiting not only for its historically emotional resonance, but also for its ever expanding pertinence. It opens in New York on March 20 with a national rollout planned for April. Wherever you are, it is not to be missed.


Joel Bocko said...

This is a great movie - thanks for highlighting it. Amazing that it's getting a "national rollout" too - how expansive will that be?

By the way, just wanted to let you know I reviewed a disc of Lynch shorts & I'd be interested in your views on the films in question.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen this (it's still in the depths of my queue somewhere), but it looks amazing. I'm be TAing for a doc. class next quarter, so hopefully it will be shown in there. And I'm pretty sure I can talk the proprietors of my local arts theater into booking this once the rollout starts.