Wednesday, May 6, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine @ Reverse Shot

Reverse Shot recently stole Brandon from us discovered how awesome Brandon was which led to this review of Wolverine. I don't know if I'm allowed to post the whole thing here or not, so, for lack of knowing, I at least wanted to let everyone know so they have the link. Good work, Brandon!


Anonymous said...

Does Reverse Shot have a comment section? I can't find one.

James Hansen said...

No comments at Reverse Shot, no. You'll have to make them here.

josh s said...

You can comment on the Reverse Blog though...that seems to be where the bulk of their comments go....

Chuck W said...

Again, I say that this is badass. Fine work, Brandon.

Brandon Colvin said...


Thanks for the link!

Hopefully, we'll get some nice Out 1 props through this as well.

James Hansen said...

Thanks for the clarification Josh. I forgot everything gets put on Indiewire/ReverseBlog as well.

Mitchell Ferrier said...

This was a really great review of the film. Everything in here was well said. I dislike superhero films greatly, and this one was way over the top. Some parts were almost painfully embarrassing. I was extremely let down by this film , and I had very low expectations to begin with.

Maria Fosheim Lund said...

Way to go, Brandon!