Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Australia or Milk?

Two major film openings today...which film do you plan to see first: Australia or Milk? Double feature anyone?


Tony Dayoub said...

Australia... review will be up later.

Ed Howard said...

Definitely Milk, Van Sant can always get me into the theater. I'm not sure I'll even be seeing Australia.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I live in B.F. Kentucky, so I'm doomed to see Australia instead of Milk. It's the only thing playing. This is a shame, because I pretty much loathe everything Baz has made thus far, and early indication suggests this one shouldn't be much different.

Part of me wants to drive out of town for a double feature of Synedoche, New York and Rachel Getting Married. But that requires gas and an extra effort I'm too lazy to put forth on Thanksgiving Eve.

James Hansen said...

My choice would be MILK but I'm waiting for a friend to get back into NYC to see it, so I likely won't until this weekend at the earliest. I plan on seeing AUSTRALIA as well (I like Baz, even though I think the trailer for this one is bad bad bad) but may wait until my Christmas break...stupid thesis!

Sorry about the situation Chuck. Things will brighten up down day. But look on the bright side...I live in NYC and it would still take me at least half an hour to get somewhere to see MILK. Commuting here is painful sometimes...

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see Milk first, but I'll go to whichever fits in better with my doesn't-own-a-car lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

Actually, went and saw AUSTRALIA with the fam. Bleh. They had no interest whatsoever in MILK... grumble, grumble.

Anonymous said...

Welp, I just saw Australia.

I REALLY wish my theater had Milk...

Anonymous said...

I saw Milk yesterday.

It is better than Australia.*

*I have not seen Australia